COVID19 Patient Pathway
Consent to attend during a pandemic/epidemic.
Visiting anywhere during this time carries risks. We are a clinical environment and have always had very high standards in infection control. A lot of what we do surrounding infection control during this time remains unchanged. We have made some adaptations to our standard operating procedures as explained below.
Limitations/delays on some of our services
There remain some limitations and delays on some of our services. Consideration must be given to any aerosol generating procedure. Aerosol generating procedures should only be carried out when deemed essential. We are likely to defer treatment where possible. All essential treatments are prioritised. As a result, you may experience some delays. Our priority will remain on urgent care cases.
Hygiene visits
Our hygienists have ceased the use of the ultrasonic scaler at this time. This is due to the aerosols they produce. The hygienists will hand scale only. Our hygienists have generally used a combination of hand scaling and mechanical removal prior to the pandemic. Hand scaling should be something most of our patients are familiar with. Hygiene visits will continue to play a vital role in maintaining your oral health and although the method has been altered at this time the outcome remains the same. The appointment time and cost remain unchanged.
Covid-19 screening
All appointments are pre-screened. We will contact you 1 week prior to your appointment to confirm your covid-19 status and give you instructions for your appointment. Your medical history will also be updated remotely prior to your appointment. This will enable us to determine if you are clinically vulnerable and take appropriate action.
We will ask you the following questions remotely and again on arrival:
Are you experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19?
Is anyone in your household currently isolating?
Are you within a travel quarantine period?
Were you previously asked to shield?
Pre payments are a requirement
The majority of our receptionists are working remotely. It is therefore required that we take a pre-payment over the phone. Any exemptions will also need to be declared at this time and supporting evidence provided. If you do not wish to pay by card remotely, you can bring the exact cash in an envelope to your appointment. Please hand this to your clinical team. From the 20th September the downstairs reception will be open for check in only. If we feel it is safe and appropriate to do so, we will extend face to face reception over the coming months. We are a large practice and there is the potential risk for patients to congregate at the reception desk. We will monitor this very closely.
Closed door policy
We have a closed-door policy in operation at the practice. We operate face to face by appointment only. We will not accept walk ins at this time. Do not visit the practice without an appointment. The front door remains locked at all times.
Our patient pathway
You will be instructed to attend at the back of the building. Via college lane, the gravel path that runs behind Letchers Solicitors. No access will be granted through the front door. From the 20th September our car park will be for staff and disabled parking only.
Please be on time. Please do not arrive too early, Ideally arrive a couple of minutes prior to your appointment time. Please make your way through to reception to check in. Please maintain social distancing. If you are running late, it is likely your appointment will be cancelled/rearranged.
You will be asked to wear a face covering. This can be any face covering that covers your mouth and nose. Face shields are not considered appropriate and you will be asked to wear a mask. Children under 11 are exempt. If you have a medical exemption please let us know. Please leave your face covering in place until you are asked to remove it.
You must attend your appointment alone. With the exception of parents/guardians for young children or careers you will be asked to attend the appointment on your own. We are not allowing relatives to wait in our waiting rooms.
Do not bring any unnecessary items to your appointment. We have a plastic box for personal items that is cleaned after every use. Please do not bring unnecessary items into the practice. Shopping bags for example.
You will be asked to sanitize your hands on arrival and exit. We will provide a hand gel for you to use and direct you to observe a poster for instructions on how to use this effectively.
You will encouraged to hold a tissue. This is for you to use if you cough or sneeze during the appointment. Please use the tissue provided, we will dispose of it for you and issue another. This is in line with the catch it, kill it, bin it campaign.
You will be escorted into the surgery and asked not to touch anything. You will be moved through the practice via a one-way system. Please follow the instructions of our team.
Lavatory is restricted access. You will be asked to visit the lavatory and brush your teeth at home. If you do require the use of practice facilities while you are at the practice, please ask a member of staff. We will grant you access. However, where possible if we can limit its use during this time that is better for everyone and will reduce footfall to extended places in the practice.
Limited conversation inside the practice. You may notice limited conversations while in the practice. Please be assured we are not being rude. Our aim is to have you inside the building for the time that is necessary and where possible reduce this. While wearing enhanced PPE, communication is also very difficult. Your health care professional may decide to call you to discuss your treatment options or follow up with conversation if they feel this is appropriate.